Friday, May 15, 2009

Mari mencuba rakan-rakan.

Ada benda menarik ni. Korang pun cubalah. Hanya copy and paste ke blog masing-masing.

Pilih satu artis dan jawab soalan-soalan di bawah dengan menggunakan tajuk lagu-lagu mereka. Nampak macam senang, tapi bila buat boleh tahan juga susah. Ikut pada artis tu lah. Aku pilih Lifehouse dan tajuk lagu mereka memang sesuai dengan soalan-soalan tu. Heehee. Selamat mencuba. Ganbaru ne !

Pick Your Artist:

Are you male or female:
Am I Ever Gonna Find Out (Laki ke perempuan aku ni eh ? Hahaha.)

Describe yourself:
Somewhere In Between

How do you feel about yourself:
Hanging By A Moment

Describe where you currently live:
Empty Space (Biasalah tengah cuti. Empty je hidup ni...)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
The Beginning

Your favorite form of transportation:
Sick Cycle Carousel (Hahaha. Memang tak bergeraklah aku ke tempat lain. Ke situ juga pergi.)

Your best friend is:
Quasimodo (Member baik sejak azali. Kahkahkah.)

Your favorite color is:
We’ll Never Know

What's the weather like:
Good Enough

Favorite time of day:

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Just Another Name

What is life to you:

What is the best advice you have to give:
Everybody Is Someone (Ya, jadi janganlah korang rasa diri korang tu tak berguna ok ?)

If you could change your name, what would it be:
Stanley Climbfall

Your favorite food is:
Only One (iaitu pastaaaaaaa !)

Thought for the Day:

How I would like to die:
Out Of Breath (Sesuai betul. Heehee.)

My soul's present condition:
Make Me Over

My motto:
Whatever It Takes

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