Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's February of 2009 !


What I really want to say here is that I'm on a tight budget now. Wanna know why ? I want to buy a Nikon D60. Or maybe a Canon 1000D. For those of you who are not familiar with the models, it's models of DSLR camera. Digital Single Lens Reflex. Here, see these pictures and you'll know what I mean :

But among these twos, I really want to get my hands on the Nikon baby. It just feels right in my hands. :)

You must wonder, why the sudden urge ? Well, actually it wasn't a sudden urge. The urge has been suppressed for quite some time. But ever since I get my hands on my cousin's D80 and took pictures of the sunset in Langkawi I became very much in love. And I secretly planted a wishfull thinking of getting myself one of those. I love photography. How you can capture moments and preserve it for your children and grandchildren. I like to take pictures of nature and landscape especially. Not to forget people. That's why I really envy and admire photographers who can make people cry, smile or even laugh, just by looking at their pictures. These photographers have a way of seeing things that others don't. That's what I want to have or acquire for myself. To be able to preserve great moments of every single thing in my life.

Although, I have some doubts to pursue what I would call a 'hobby'. I don't have the knowledge in photography or in general, art, AT ALL. And the most important thing is, I am not creative. I hope that in photography all these things are not the core. But, who am I kidding here ? Of course I need all that to be able to get a great results. The MOST important thing is I have the PASSION. This I learnt from a photographer (which I salute for his work and determination), Saiful Nang. If you have seen his work you'll know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, well, go NOW ! He has achieved a LOT. And in less than 10 years too. Not to mention that he, literally, has everything a person could ask for in life before he reached his 30's.

Ayah Saiful (and Mummy Intan), just to point here that we've met at Rumah Warga Prihatin, Sg. Ramal, Kajang. I'm one of the PROSTAR Unisel students. Remember this ?

That's me in the red circle. * peace *

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