Sunday, December 24, 2006


I am so in love with Hayden Christensen and Josh Hartnett. Both of them are so hot. With the capital H, I tell you. Haha.

Have you watched Star Wars : Attack of The Clones ? I just love seeing Anakin's eyes ( or should I say Hayden's eyes ? ). When he was staring at Padme. So sexy. I prefer Hayden with Anakin's looks. So manly. The same goes to Joshie. I like his character in Wicker Park. Very sweet and romantic. d;)

How I wish someone who has the same characteristics as Anakin/Hayden/Josh wants me. Adoi. Mula dah nak berangan. Anyway, I think all of us, females, wants that. But I'm sure with a partner so good looking as them would be hard to maintain.

That's it for today.

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