Thursday, December 14, 2006


Yesterday I went to IMR's library to find more informations on Syphilis and Treponema pallidum ( the title for my thesis is diagnosis of syphilis using VDRL and TPHA test at Lablink ). I tried looking at the journal side first. But to no avail, I found nothing on the subject. So I moved on to the books side. Helmi, Zuhdi and Ain was already there. It was much easier for me to find all the infromations I need there. In fact there were loads that I can use. Since I'm not a staff or member of IMR, I can't borrow any of the books there. Instead I had to photocopied it.

We were there until 1pm. We went to Lablink after we had our lunch. Nothing much happen after that.

The same things goes for today.

Actually I am too tired to post anything. Later.

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