Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tetuan dan Pepuan

Last week some of my friends and I nicknamed everyone in our class. I just want to make it official by posting it here. Heehee. Takde lagi nak tukar-tukar nama. Terpaksa je lah terima nama tu walaupun perit untuk diterima. :p Also, I want to introduce my classmates. Ngeee. Orangnya sikit je so boleh la nak kenalkan sorang-sorang. (Kalau 40 orang memang tak dapat jaaaaaacckk !)

Tapi sebelum tu nak bagitau dulu carta organisasi class. Haha. Sebenarnya tak official benda ni, tapi saya saje suka-suka buat macam ni. So untuk permulaan, kami ni pioneer bagi degree MLT kat Unisel. Kira student first batch/anak sulung lah. Anak sulung yang sering dianaktirikan. Huwaaaa. Pasal anak tiri tu tunggu post lain saya cerita.


Chief : Hafiq
Bendahari : Sugar

Dua nama di atas ikut majoriti vote. :)

AJK Penamaan Ahli :
- Rita
- Shamini
- Azlina

Siap ada AJK tu. Heehee.

Senarai ahli (random) :

1. Name : Jaegan
Nickname : Mr. Boring

Comment :
His ultimate plan for fun and exciting activities is SLEEP.
His reason for coming late for class is OVER-SLEPT.
Respond to jokes made by others = blank face.
The only one who is very hard to reach although everyone has his number. Lepas habis je class Jaegan mesti terus balik rumah dia. Jarang stayback to berbual dengan yang lain. Diam-diam ubi berisi. Itulah Jaegan. Walaupun selalu miss class and datang lambar, result dia memang hebat. Dia paling suka kacau Hidayah atas sebab-sebab yang tidak dapat dipastikan. Pernah sekali saya sama group presentation dengan dia. Kerja semua dah bahagi, and hari nak present tu dia cakap dia tak buat. Nasib baik saya ada buat presentation dia. So dari apa yang saya buat dia dapat explain dengan penuh jayanya. So walaupun dia tak buat kerja tapi dia tahu pasal title tu. Hebat lah Jaegan !

2. Name : Mages
Nickname : Miss Hyperactive

Comment :
She's loud and hyper when she gets excited. Enough said. Heehee. Bila dia buat presentation, ramai lecturer suka sebab suara dia loud and clear. Salah seorang daripada student cemerlang dalam class. Mages pun sama macam Jaegan jugak. Habis class je terus keluar. Tapi dia tak balik rumah, dia pergi lepak dengan housemate dia. Tak boleh berenggang. Hmmpphh.

3. Name : Rita
Nickname : Miss Cranky

Comment :
Rita ni selain Miss Cranky, dia ada nickname lain jugak yang Hidayah selalu panggil, Mak Tiri. Heehee. Nak tau kenapa ? Sebab dia selalu marah orang lain. Bukan macam bila orang buat salah kat kita, tapi lebih pada marah mak kepada anaknya. Hence, the nickname kedua. Dia ni geng travel saya. Saya dengan Rita je yang duduk jauh daripada Unisel. Lagi satu benda menarik pasal Rita ni, lepas class dia suka pergi toilet. Heehee. Bila saya cakap macam tu dia mesti cakap 'Saya minum banyak air, awak tak !' Adesss, terkena batang hidung aku !

4. Name : Azlina
Nickname : Miss Buat Cerita

Comment :
Saya ada dalam class ni so kene lah letak pasal saya jugak kan. Heehee. Ni yang saya dapat kumpulkan dari Hidayah and Rita sebab diorang je yang selalu online. :p

From Rita :
" Azlina-san dikenali sebagai Miss Buat Cerita sebab dia memang pandai buat cerita. So, kitorang dalam class pun terikut-ikut buat cerita dengan dia. Walaupun cerita yang dia buat tak logik, tapi kitorang seronok dengar. Dia memang tak banyak cakap dalam class especially bila bad mood. Tapi, dia memang planner yang bagus. Banyak plan yang dia ada. And dia top student dalam class kitorang. She won't study hard but she study smart. Dia memang suka kawan. Overall, she is a nice gal. "

From Hidayah :
- Nak kate ko simple...aku rasa nope...sbb aku rasa ko mcm aku cikit la...suke something yg look perfect...hehe...betulkan ?
- sukakan cabaran
- energetic...hahah...but sometime x jugak la...da la suke cabaran...pastu slalu bersemangat je nak wat something...
- kaki jalan and suke gile wat citer...sbb tu org gelar ko miss wat citer...hahah
- hmmmm...moody person gak...when things go wrong...hahaha...tggu mase je la...

5. Name : Suganiya/Sugar
Nickname : Miss Penggoda

Comment :
Sugar ni dalam class dia memang suka kacau siapa-siapa yang duduk sekitar dia. Cara dia kacau macam ni. Diam-diam nanti dia sentuh mana-mana bahagian badan, selalunya tangan, pipi, lengan or leher, guna jari telunjuk dia. Dia tak cucuk tapi dia sentuh macam perempuan gatal nak goda laki. Paham tak ? Sentuhan jari dia tu memang geli lah. Selalu kene marah dengan Miss Cranky, sebab Miss Cranky yang selalu duduk sebelah dia. Heehee. Lepas tu, Sugar ni tersangat lah kurus ! Kadang-kadang takut jugak nak kasar-kasar dengan dia. Takut patah je ! :p

6. Name : Hidayah/Dayah
Nickname : Miss kecoh

Comment :
Dalam class kitorang memang takde siapa lah yang boleh dapat title ni selain Hidayah. Heehee. Tapiiii, kecoh dia bukan jenis kecoh yang annoying. Kecoh dia menghidupkan lagi class kitorang tu. Kiranya kalau dia tak datang class jadi muram sikit lah. Dia dengan Miss Cranky suka berdebat dalam class. Sehari tak berdebat memang tak sah lah bagi diorang. Tu lah cara mereka merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim. Betul tak ? Sekarang ni Hidayah macam dah jadi penulis nota-nota lecturer. Haha. Tapi customer dia Mahathir dengan Jaegan je lah. Notes yang dia buat memang kemas. Sekemas tuan punya. Heehee. Dalam profile Friendster dia pun ada tulis dia ni jenis yang suka semua benda kemas-kemas belaka. Antara yang sporting and bersemangat dalam class. Dialah pengasas bagi nickname saya. :p

7. Name : Syuhada/Syue
Nickname : Miss Melayu Terakhir

Comment :
Syue ni dalam class memang pendiam. And bila dia cakap pun sopan-santun je, sebab tu dia dapat nickname tu. Kiranya dalam class dialah yang paling sopan-santun dan lemah-lembut. Heehee. But looks can be deceiving. Walaupun dia nampak macam tu, tapi dia ni kuat tau. :p Dia keluarkan pendapat bila dia rasa perlu je. Roommate Hidayah ni. Hidayah cakap kat rumah dia banyak cakap bila tengok TV. Ek eh, macam tu pulak Syue ni. Lagi satu, Syue ni memang jimat cermat habis lah dengan duit PTPTN dia. Dia takkan belanjakan duit tu sesuka hati. Bagus kan ?

8. Name : Jana
Nickname : Sleeping Beauty

Comment :
Heehee. Tengok nickname je dah tau kenapa kan. Jana ni dalam class yang boring dia mesti tidur. Tapi, taktik dia nak tidur memang bagus ! Lecturer pun tak tau dia tengah tidur. Haha. Kalau orang tengok dia dalam class memang macam tengah concentrate habis dengar lecturer tengah ajar. Kitorang tau dia tidur sebab nanti akan kedengaran bunyi-bunyi dengkuran. Heehee. Nasib tak kuat sangat. Jana pun suka sangat bergayut. Dengan boyfriend dia kot ? Hihihi.

9. Name : Mahathir
Nickname : Mr. Cool

Comment :
Mahathir ni nampak je muda, macam baru 19 tahun, tapi sebenarnya dia dah 24 tahun. Terkejut kan ? Masa first time kenal dia memang tak sangka sangat lah dia lagi tua dari saya. Heehee. Dia ni lah manusia paling cool pernah saya jumpa. Wah ! Tak pernah nampak dia marah or tunjukkan emosi. Except for bila dia nak masuk mood berdebat dia tu. He's a strong believer in what he believed. So kalau orang lain berlainan pendapat dengan dia, ready je lah untuk berdebat dengan dia. Saya dah banyak kali berdebat dengan dia, and dia ni jenis tak mudah nak surrender. Tapi apa yang dia cakap tu memang bukan cakap kosong lah. Jarang jumpa lelaki macam Mahathir. Lelaki PALING sporting sekali dalam class !

10. Name : Hafiq
Nickname : Mr. Ulat Nota

Comment :
Hafiq, Hafiq, Hafiq. Lelaki dengan personaliti kompleks. Oppss, jangan salah faham. Itu pada saya punya point of view je. Hafiq ni seorang yang study extremely hard. Bayangkan lah, hari tu kitorang pergi trip ke Rumah Pengasih. Tengah breakfast kat sana dia still boleh lagi nak baca nota. Padahal exam laaaaaaaaama lagi kot. Sebab tu dia dipanggil Ulat Nota. Heehee. Suka sangat baca nota dia. Tengah jalan nak pergi class pun baca jugak nota tu. Sekarang dah jarang lepak dengan kitorang atas sebab-sebab yang dia tak boleh terima. Heehee. Atau mungkin sebab saya kot. Sebab saya selalu bergaduh dengan dia. Hafiq ni pun jiwa sensitif. Kadang-kadang dia merajuk dengan saya sebab apa yang saya cakap. :p Tapi, Hafiq ni jenis yang tak menyusahkan orang lain. Boleh-boleh dia takkan susahkan orang lain. Bagus kan ?

11. Name : Shamini
Nickname : Miss Blur

Comment :
Kakak dalam class ni sebab dia yang paling tua, 25 tahun. Tapi dia jugak lah yang paling blur. Heehee. Yang selalu panggil dia blur depan-depan, tak lain tak bukan Rita lah. Heehee. Dia selalu menyampuk bila kitorang tengah berbual and kadang-kadang apa yang dia sampuk tu memang lari tajuk lah. Lepas tu dia akan buat muka blur. Hihihi. Seorang yang happy go lucky. Ceria je tiap kali jumpa dia. Tapi, jangan main-main dengan dia. Dia ada black belt dalam taekwando tau. Nampak je blur. :p Antara yang sporting jugak dalam class. Dia suka berbual. Ada je cerita yang dia nak cerita bila kitorang lepak. Bila time presentation dia selalu tersasul sebut medical terms. Kadang-kadang bila dia pause masa tengah baca ayat kitorang pulak yang akan sambungkan. Heehee. Kelakar jugak.

12. Name : Kak Tini
Nickname : Miss Chipsmore

Comment :
Kak Tini ni kitorang panggil nickname tu sebab dia kejap ada, kejap takde dalam class. Bukan sebab dia ponteng, tapi dia join class kitorang ikut subjek. Dia dari second intake. Tapi sebab dia dah pernah amik Dip. MLT dia banyak dapat excemption dalam subjek for semester 1 and 2. Advance sikit lah Kak Tini ni. Heehee. So kalau campur Kak Tini, dialah yang paling tua dalam class. Dah nak kahwin pun. Akhir tahun ni rasanya. Dalam class dia banyak bagi pendapat dia. Yelah, orang lebih lama tengok dunia. Heehee. Tak nak lah cakap dia orang tua. :p

So, itulah mereka-mereka yang ada dalam class saya. Kalau korang baca post ni, sorry lah kalau apa yang aku tulis tu korang tak suka. Tapi, yang tulah hakikat sebenar. :p Sekali lagi, tu semua dari point of view aku. Sorry sekali lagi.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hee-la-ree-us !

I bumped into one hilaaaaaaaaaariousssss stuff today ! Hahaha. I got it from a blog GRK. You can find the link under Interesting Readings. Posting dia semua terbaikkk. Check the blog out.

Click here to know what it is. Heehee. This thing made my day, man ! Enjoy ! ;D

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Random facts.

Post hari ni saya nak ceritakan serba sedikit mengenai yours truly ( saya la tu ). :D Apa yang saya tulis kat bawah ni just some random things yang keluar kat kepala otak saya masa typing. Jom kita baca apa yang saya tulis !

1. Saya tak suka perempuan yang pakai make up terlebih-lebih sampai muka tukar colour jadi kelabu.

2. Saya sukaaaaaaa sangat makan benda yang tak elok utk kesihatan. Gula, coklat, cake and semua yang sewaktu dengannya.

3. Saya tak suka makan ikan kecuali ikan keli. Walaupun rupa macam anaconda tapi TERBAIK !

4. Bahasa Jepun paling saya suka lepas Bahasa Malaysia. Watashi wa nihongo ga daisuki desu.

5. Dalam banyak-banyak benda saya nak buat is sarapan setiap hari, tapi sampai sekarang takde pun. Susah lah nak bangun pagi !

6. Kalau saya baru first time jumpa orang memang saya tak reti nak berbual. Unless orang tu yang start dulu.

7. Tahun ni azam saya nak tau apa ? Saya nak muat balik dalam jeans lama saya saiz 27. Sekarang saya pakai seluar saiz 29. :p

8. Saya tak suka hujan and saya paling takut bila ada guruh, petir, kilat.

9. Bila time nak tidur saya akan biar lampu bilik sentiasa ON.

10. Sebenarnya saya tak suka keadaan yang basah. Air pun saya tak suka. Trust me, kalau saya tak pentingkan personal hygiene saya takkan mandi. :p

11. Pada saya lepak-lepak tu satu aktiviti yang buang masa and duit. Kan bagus kalau pergi buat aktiviti lain, like pergi picnic ke, buat dinner party kat rumah ke. Aktiviti yang ada benda lain untuk buat selain bual kosong, order air sampai 3-4 gelas and kayakan kedai mamak tu.

12. Sejak holiday kat JB hari tu mulut saya ni tak boleh stop dari terasa nak mengunyah. Maybe sebab tu lah badan saya cepat je nak naik sekarang ni.

13. Saya sangat suka baby. Kadang-kadang tu terasa macam tak nak diorang membesar. :p

14. Saya masuk dalam bidang sains sebab saya nak belajar pasal apa yang jadi dalam badan saya.

15. Kawan saya cakap saya ni nampak kuat.

16. Tapi, saya tak boleh tengok cerita hantu/seram without tutup mata dengan tangan. :p

17. Saya tak suka tinggal dalam rumah sorang.

18. Saya baru sedar yang saya reti guna otak saya lepas sekolah menengah. Heehee.

19. Saya tak suka binatang.

20. Saya takut tinggi tapi saya suka berada di atas. ;)

21. Saya rabun dan ada masalah silau tapi saya benci pakai spec ! (Tu lah dulu suka sangat nak pakai, padan muka.)

22. Saya jenis yang tak suka cakap sangat so sebab tu saya prefer SMS/email/YM daripada call.

23. Saya tak suka share dengan orang selain family.

24. Saya sangat suka Russell Crowe. Saya rasa dia sangat seksi walaupun dia tak kacak. ;p

25. Nak tau apa benda terbaik dalam dunia ni ? Ray Ban Wayfarer.

26. Sekarang saiz baju saya 12/14(UK)/M/L. Dulu saiz saya S ! Perubahan yang sangat drastik dalam masa 2 tahun.

27. Seumur hidup saya, tak pernah saya pakai rantai/cincin/gelang lebih daripada seminggu.

28. Saya sangat suka coklat M&M kacang.

29. Saya sangat selesa bila pakai baju warna hitam. Saya rasa selamat and nampak slim sikit. Heheh.

30. Saya sangat boros. Asal ada duit je saya mesti nak belanjakan. Tapi selalunya benda yang saya beli tu mesti makanan. Haha.

31. Saya sangat bangga jadi orang Johor. Saya dilahirkan kat Hospital Pakar, JB.

32. Saya tak suka SEMUTTT !! Benci sangat !

Dah la tu. Setakat ni je lah saya boleh bagitau pasal diri saya. Nanti saya update lagi. Gambar-gambar tu semua saya amik dari internet. Not from my personal pictures.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Meet the family.

Hari ni saya nak perkenalkan family saya. Yeay !

Ini adalah bapa saya, En. Zahari. Di sebelah beliau, ibu saya, Pn. Ashikin. Sila abaikan muka Abah saya. Dia bukan tak suka amik gambar tapi dia memang tak reti amik gambar. Haha. Tak reti senyum depan camera. Susah nak dapat gambar dia senyum. Gambar ni lah yg terdekat. :p Tapi kalau Mak, hmmmph, asal nampak camera point kat dia je terus automatik senyum. Heehee. Sebab tu lah anak-anak perempuan dia pun macam tu kot ? Abah dah 59 tahun, Mak 53 tahun. Tahun depan Abah retire. Mak pulak dah tak sabar-sabar nak berhenti kerja. Dia tengah tunggu offer VSS/MSS je sekarang ni. Dua-dua kerja kat CIMB Bank. Tapi Abah kat branch KL, Mak pulak kat branch PJ. Bertemu jodoh pun kat tempat kerja. Dolu-dolu diorang kerja sama tempat, Bank Bumiputra kat Johor. Heehee. Dah 28 tahun kahwin. Lama kan ? Semoga umur mereka panjang lagi untuk tengok anak-anak mereka kahwin. Amin.

Ni abang saya and anak sulung dalam famili., Azlee. Panggil dia Abg Lee. Umur dia tahun ni 28 tahun. Still single and available. Heehee. Dia tak banyak amik gambar. Gambar ni pun amik masa cousing kitorang kahwin tahun lepas. Sekarang dia dah makin berisi. Dalam famili dia pendiam. Sangat control adik-adik perempuan dia. Memang jaga betul lah kitorang. Kadang tu rasa kesian kat dia sebab dia takde geng nak bermesra macam kitorang. Yelah, dah dia sorang je lelaki. Sebab jarak umur jauh, kitorang tak rapat dengan dia. Tapi belum lambat lagi nak destroy jurang tu. Kan Abg Lee ? :)

Hmm, siapa pulak ni ? Heh. Inilah saya. Anak kedua dalam famili. Famili semua panggil Ina je. Tapi saya tak suka orang selain famili panggil nama tu. Saya lebih suka dikenali as Azlina. Tapi bila orang dah panggil jugak nama panggilan tu saya jawab jugak. Tindakan refleks. Hehe. Umur saya 23 tahun. Taaapiiiiiii, saya sangat suka Jonas Brothers !! :p Lantak lah apa orang nak cakap.

Ini adalah adik saya, Zahidah. Tapi dalam famili dipanggil Ida. Umur dia 21 tahun. Dia sekarang tengah study kat UIA Gombak, amik Economics. Sangat banyak cakap. Dia ni mangsa buli adik-adik dia sebab kadang-kadang dia ni lurus bendul. Haha. Dia ni jelah anak mak yang paling rajin. Bila weekend dia balik rumah suka kemas. Kitorg pun suka jugak, sebab bilik akan sentiasa kemas. :p Tapi dia ni jiwa sensitif. Kalau ada yang tak puas hati, cepat je airmata jatuh. And kuat mengamuk. :p

Ini adik saya juga, Zafirah, panggil Fira. Still sekolah menengah lagi. Tahun ni dia amik SPM. Lepas raya pulak tu. Haha. Kesian, raya kene study. Dia ni cita-cita tinggi. Nak study kat Australia. Dia amik English literature tapi still tak tau lagi apa dia nak jadi. Suka sangat amik gambar. Tak kisah apa jenis camera yang ada, tak kisah siapa punya. Tapi satu benda yang penting, mesti amik gambar muka dia !! Syok sendiri !

Ni pulak adik bongsu saya, Zalilah, panggil Ella @ Adik. Baru je 15 tahun tapi dia yang paling gabak sekali antara perempuan-perempuan dalam famili. Haha. Oleh sebab dia bongsu, so dialah yang selalu jadi mangsa kakak-kakak dan abang dia. Dah tertulis anak bongsu memang selalu akan kene 'pau' and buli. Jangan salahkan kami. :p

Gambar ni amik masa cousin kitorang, Am Hasli, kahwin. Wife dia, Kak Intan ,and sekarang dah ada member baru dalam famili, Syaquera. Lupa lah tahun bila majlis ni. Tapi Quera dah nak masuk setahun.

Ok, sekarang dah kenal family members saya. Walaupun mereka ada sifat-sifat atau tebiat yang saya kurang gemar tapi saya tetap sayangkan mereka. Sebab walau apa pun yang saya buat, salah ke, kurang betul ke, bagus ke, cemerlang ke, saya tau mereka ni lah yang akan sentiasa bersama saya sampai akhir hayat. And saya nak ucapkan terima kasih kat mereka sebab terima saya walaupun saya banyak buat benda yang diorang tak suka. (Tapi sebenarnya diorang terpaksa.. :p)

Sekian saja sesi pengenalan kali ni. Heehee.

Lepas ni mesti kene sakat ngan budak-budak tu. Nak tau apa ayat diorang lepas baca ni ?
Awww, Ina so sweet ! Aku pun sayang kau jugak...

Urghhh !! Geli geleman.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Brad Pitt's Day !

Today is Brad Pitt's Day for me ! Haha.

Due to an indefinite boredom, I went out for a movie marathon, alone. Yes, ALONE. You should try do it sometimes. It's very relaxing. Duhh, dah kata pergi sorang, takde orang lain kacau. The only thing you have to endure is when buying the ticket. The ticket person always have this kind of face when people say they're buying for one.

Anyhoo, I planned to see Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire, but somehow my schedule were mixed up and I ended up with Burn After Reading. So now, the review. Benjamin Button was OK I guess. Brad Pitt was one of the reasons I want to see the movie. ;) The other reason was because of the storyline. It was exciting to see the idea of aging backwards potrayed in the movie. After seeing the movie I am excited to read the book. Maybe the book can answer some of my unanswered questions. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett was excellent. Both are very good actor. Taraji deserved her Oscar last night. She really made an impact as Mama/Queenie.

I have nothing to say on Burn After Reading. The movie sucks !! I've wasted RM8 for a low-class, stupid movie. And not forgetting my precious 2 hours. Brad Pitt also star in this movie. That's the only reason I consider seeing it. I thought it would be a great movie to watch. Boy, was I wrong ! It turned out to be horrible. If anyone of you out there are considering to watch this movie, I strongly suggest you watch say, Geng instead. Oh my, the storyline was really, really bad ! Somehow it looked like a very cheap movie. It promote adultery, treachery and blackmail. Stupid movie ! Should've stick to Slumdog. Sometimes I make really stupid judgement. Oh well, I'm just human. :p

This was not the first time I went to the cinema alone. Heehee. You should try do that sometimes. It's very relaxing, no stress at all. You can give your 100% concentration to the movie you're seeing. Aaaannnd, you can stretch yourself without worrying you would bother the person next to you. It's either that reason or I have no friends to accompany me to the cinema. *sigh*

Better get back to my presentation.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hollywood, here we come !

I'm watching the repeat show of Oscar's. Just before I watch this I read in the newspaper that Freida Pinto, one of the main lead for Slumdog Millionaire, have broken up with her fiancee. Apparently, she has the hots for her co-star, Dev Patel. I was like, cooomee onnn, Dev is like 18 years old and she's like 24 ?? I know age is just a number but she's so engaged ! So typical Hollywood brat ! I hate her.

I'm so in a Hollywood mood today. Heehee. It's Oscar's day, forgive me. Anyway, Jonas Brothers (JB) did a live chat on the 22 Feb. I missed it because I didn't know about it earlier. Otherwise, I would have stuck in fron of the laptop waiting for them ! Huhu. Anyhow, I just watched the videos of the live chat on Youtube a little earlier. Omj, they are so hilarious. Especially Joe. And Nick. Oh my, he's grown up. He has lost all the baby fat and has more sharper edge to his face. Frankly speaking, he looks more handsome than Joe. Haha. Joe as usual being his silly self in the videos. Actually he's the only reason why JB fans wanted them to do the live chat. This live chat has so little questions for them to answer, unlike the first one. Fans were anticipating silly jokes from them. If only I get to be on the live chat. I have some questions for them. I want to know when are they coming to Malaysia !! Let's just hope that their concert here won't clash with my exams. That would suck.

This picture was taken from their second live chat. The live chat I was talking about is the third one. Couldn't find any picture for that.

Miley's dress is horrible ! She looked like an old woman wrapped in aluminium foils. Eww. What was she thinking ? Nick ? Haha. Well, her stylist must paying her back. Dev is soooo cute ! I love looking at him. He reminded me of someone, but I don't know who. I'll get to you later. ;)

Ok, I better stop here to concentrate.

Watashi wa Defu Pateru (Dev Patel) ga daisuki desu.

Translation : I love Dev Patel.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hey !

After reading my previous post, I do feel like I was being overdramatic. :p Oh well. Who can think straight when they're down ? Whatever.

Hahaha. I'm watching Alvin and the Chipmunks while posting this. I love the movie. It's hilarious ! And I LOVE Alvin. He is sooo cute. Heehee. I'm sure everybody loves him too. That's why he's the one with the alphabet. ;) That Ross guy sure are one crazy fella, for he invented these singing chipmunks. I don't know how he gets the idea. Crazy right ?

I've been tagged by a long-lost friend at Facebook. Haven't seen her for quite some time now. I've lost count how many months. That's an understatement. I think I haven't seen her for years. Yes, years. We used to be close but after secondary school we grew distant. I'm not really sure what caused the distance. Part of it sure came from me. That I know. Well, what's in the past is in the past. But I can't help to wonder now and then of what could have been if we are still close. Am I going to be happier ? Crazier ? Will I be better than what I am now ? Or worst ? The one thing I regret about 'this' is the things I should have said to her then. Anyhow, I don't let that get to me. We are loving what we have now. I know that.

I missed Amir. He's still in Europe. The ball was the day before yesterday, so I guess he's in France with Faris. He's going to be back in a couple of weeks. I can't wait for our lepak night. He must have tonssss of stories for us to goss about. ;D Omg, you should see his Vienna pictures ! He's so handsome. I was in awe seeing the pictures. It's like seeing a supermodel. Heehee. Amir must be very happy now. All of his friends were complimenting him. He deserved all this. I am really happy for him. Babe, are you reading this ? I'm happy for you and am very proud of what you've became. I am like a mother who is very proud of her son getting an Oscar ! (Since we're in the Oscar mood. Teehee...) That's how proud I am.

I guess that wraps things up. Dewa, mata !

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hallmark of dissapointment.

Hey everyone. You notice the lack of enthusisasm in me ? Well, I'm kinda down today. Want to know the story ? OK here goes...

On the 30th January to the 1st February my friends and I went to Bukit Cahaya Sri Alam for Kem Remaja Umum PROSTAR Unisel. It was not our first time there, but that trip was the first time we have ever heard of Skytrex. Wow. That was the first word came out of my mouth when I see the place. Immediately, I know I want to try out all those rope thingie. It was our last day of camp and in my head I quickly planned everything. Heehee. To cut the story short, I planned another trip to go to Skytrex with my friends. Some were reluctant and some were like me, excited. Yada, yada, yada everything was set and I emailed the person in charge at Skytrex and booked a slot for 7 person. BUT, the next day, 5 person backed out. Can you imagine how I felt ? Dissapointment washed all over me. I was looking forward to the trip. VERY excited that I even dreamt of going there ! I've been let down before but not like this. Because of that, I decided that I won't be planning anything for anytime soon. Dissapointment rush is still all over me.

Well, that's my story. You might read this and say "You're being overdramatic, these things happen, yada yada yada." Well, suck all your words and shut up. If you're in my place you'll feel exactly how crushed I was. Whatever.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's February of 2009 !


What I really want to say here is that I'm on a tight budget now. Wanna know why ? I want to buy a Nikon D60. Or maybe a Canon 1000D. For those of you who are not familiar with the models, it's models of DSLR camera. Digital Single Lens Reflex. Here, see these pictures and you'll know what I mean :

But among these twos, I really want to get my hands on the Nikon baby. It just feels right in my hands. :)

You must wonder, why the sudden urge ? Well, actually it wasn't a sudden urge. The urge has been suppressed for quite some time. But ever since I get my hands on my cousin's D80 and took pictures of the sunset in Langkawi I became very much in love. And I secretly planted a wishfull thinking of getting myself one of those. I love photography. How you can capture moments and preserve it for your children and grandchildren. I like to take pictures of nature and landscape especially. Not to forget people. That's why I really envy and admire photographers who can make people cry, smile or even laugh, just by looking at their pictures. These photographers have a way of seeing things that others don't. That's what I want to have or acquire for myself. To be able to preserve great moments of every single thing in my life.

Although, I have some doubts to pursue what I would call a 'hobby'. I don't have the knowledge in photography or in general, art, AT ALL. And the most important thing is, I am not creative. I hope that in photography all these things are not the core. But, who am I kidding here ? Of course I need all that to be able to get a great results. The MOST important thing is I have the PASSION. This I learnt from a photographer (which I salute for his work and determination), Saiful Nang. If you have seen his work you'll know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, well, go NOW ! He has achieved a LOT. And in less than 10 years too. Not to mention that he, literally, has everything a person could ask for in life before he reached his 30's.

Ayah Saiful (and Mummy Intan), just to point here that we've met at Rumah Warga Prihatin, Sg. Ramal, Kajang. I'm one of the PROSTAR Unisel students. Remember this ?

That's me in the red circle. * peace *

Friday, February 13, 2009

PGL The Musical.

Hello hello. Kembali lagi bersama saya.

I just need correct something. This semester I'm taking Pathophysiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Basic Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Japanese I. Yesss, I'm taking Japaneseeee ! Or as what I'm referring to it now, Nihongo. I just love the language. Nihongo benkyo shimasu ! Now I can read Nihongo. And I love it. Eventhough I cannot understand much ( Chotto wakarimasu ).

Last Wednesday, I skipped Nihongo class. Want to know why ? Heee. I went to see PGL The Musical. It was the BOMB ! I highly recommend everyone to see it. Even if you get the Gold Seat you won't feel it's a waste of money to watch theater. PGl was my first time in theater, and it wasn't a dissapointment. I really loved everything about it. From the cast, the storyline to the songs. And every little details. And the costume was great. They really brought me back to those days when handphones and pagers doesn't exist. Hehe. Now, why I really enjoyed the show was because of Tiara and Stephen as the princess and Hang Tuah. They were flawless !!They sang and act very well. At the time, I cringed in my seat for the first few minutes. I thought they sure will make a mistake. But they didn't ! Everybody played their part very well. I can't explain it in words, you just have to go and see it for yourself. Well....maybe not this season. Every ticket was sold out.

The reason why I was enthusiastic to watch PGL this season was because this season is the last appearance for Tiara. So I don't want to miss her performance as Gusti Puteri Raden Ajeng Retno Dumilah. I love her name.

I hope they'd perform again. I would love to see who could fill in Tiara's shoes.
