Tuesday, May 30, 2006

At last.

Akhirnya ! Dapat juga aku duduk di hadapan komputer ini. Setelah sekian lama menanti.

My sisters are so damn online-addict. Macam ada je perkataan tue. Anyway. I can't post any blog because the computers are not available. It it because my two fat sisters are hogging over the computers the whole bloody time. And now the school holiday is here I won't get a chance to online. Not until one of them are asleep of course.

Besides being online, I've got new things to focus on right now. I have 4 little kitties to take care of. And they are so adorable. The black one named BB, white named Mimi, orange named Juju and the black&white named AG. My favourites are Juju and AG. AG is the 'manja'est among all of them. He is not scared with people. At least not with the people he recognized. Everytime I open the door he'll rushed over.

This computer is making me irritated. Lembab gile ! Signing out.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Shocked. Goosebumped. Takut.

I was having an emotional breakdown yesterday. I was feeling down for some reasons. And I cried and cried and cried. Yesterday was the worst that ever happen since I first got it. Usually it'll stop after some time. But yesterday it went on for about 5 hours. So, you can imagine how my eyes swollened.

Life sucks. A sentence with just two words but so many reasons to say it out loud. Ah. Malas lah cakap pasal nie.

I am chatting to one of The Sister. The 2nd sister. But still. Sejuk tangan nieh ! Aduh. Jangan tersilap cakap dah ah. First impression beb ! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. Baru kakak belum mak lagi. And I soo know the latest news in the family. It is so shocking !

He's taking his midterm exam right now. I soo need to talk to him. Now ! Lambat nye nak pukul 4.30.

She's not replying. Did I say something wrong ? Adoi. Ok. She's there. ( What crap am I typing right now ? Haha. I need to tell someone about it. In this case, something. Tengah menggelabah nie. )

I want to start taking the Biocell thingie. Abg Hasli said it would make the cramps less hurt. So, I hope Mak will buy it soon. Ida have been persuaded her to buy ever since Abg Hasli and Am Z promoting it. But it doesn't taste good.

Banyak cakap lah. Post another tonight.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Due to some connection problem I cannot post last night. There has been a personal problem too. So yea.

PC kat rumah nie banyak betul masalah. Satu lembab ( sbb model lama ). Satu lagi tak boleh nak on ( taktau apa masalah ). Satu lagi boleh on tapi delicate sgt. Langgar sket terus off. Memang mencabar kesabaran pengguna.

Aunt Pah and Uncle Ajis was supposed to be here around 4pm. But until now ( 7.41pm ), there's no sign of them. Tak jadi dtg kot. Maybe tomorrow.

20++ days more. The time is sure passing by slowly. Bila la mak abah nak bawak Ida beli barang keperluan dia. Boleh tumpang sekaki. Haha. I need a lot of stuff before the semester starts. Eg : stationaries, clothings, bags,shoes. ( Mcm dah pernah tulis sebelum nie. Hmm. Biar lah .Dah tulis pun. )

Lack of honesty and communication. And it is not from my side only. Try to realise that. Ok. Thank you.

Monday, May 22, 2006

An effort. Night.

E'ee. Bosannya kehidupan di kala cuti. Few days back I told myself to go revise my past subjects. Since every subject for this coming semester are continuous from the past subjects. Tapi susah lah nak study. Bangun dah la 'pagi'. Nak sms lagi. Selalu angan-angan mat jenin lah.

Last semester. No matter what, I have to improve drastically. I have to. Kalau dapat masuk dean's list lagi lah best. Insya allah.

Current game, Ignoring. Have you heard of that ? It's a two-players game. Both players ignores each other. Siapa tegur dulu dia kalah. I always on the losing side. But now I feel like winning.

I hate the game.

An effort. Day.

I made an effort to get back my friends email address. I am doing so because I want to keep in touch. Some said I'm missing. Sebenarnya tak hilang pun. Kalau korang call ajak jumpa mesti tak hilang. d:p

I created new email address because I did not remember the password of my old one. It has been almost a year since I last checked my email. Email yg lama la. Been busy with college stuff. You know how tough it gets when you're juggling through 6 science subjects.

A month away from getting out of kebosanan. Yeay ! Duduk rumah pun tak tau nak buat ape. Nak keluar jgn harap la. With no money inside the purse, macam mana ? Nasib baik ada kredit. boleh jugak la sms. Ha ha.

At the beginning of my holiday 2 months back, I actually planned to look for a job. No. It was before the exam start. Eh tak. Ever since I know there will be a 3 months holiday. Which was before I started my third semester. Tapi sampai sekarang tak kerja pun. Kenapa ? Mak tak bagi.

Walaupun dalam kebosanan tapi tetap bahagia. ( Bluergh ! )

I went to see him once a week. Seminggu je lah boleh tahan rindu. I love his presence. Just by him being there is enough. Ish. Terlebih la pulak. Dah la. Malas nak tulis.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The first.

My first post !